purchase our faraday case AND GO GHOST MODE - contact us or call 705-862-0535
purchase our faraday case AND GO GHOST MODE - contact us or call 705-862-0535
To Order: 705-862-0535
"to inspire First Nations to create by fostering innovation, inclusivity and sustainable progress for future generations"
First Nations Procurement Incorporated is proud to be 100% owned and operated by First Nations people. Our long term goal is to deliver high quality, professional services that respect all Canadians, indigenous traditions, promote local employment, and support northern Ontario.
We are committed to the economic well-being of Ontario and grounded in our cultural heritage. We believe this enhances products, services, and business strategies. FNPI is open to collaborating with industry partners, which can open new markets, especially in sectors the require community engagement. Such partnerships can more effectively move projects forward by understanding local preferences, needs, and values.
FNPI believes in corss-cultural partnerships, mutual and meaningful collaboration, which can foster economic development and build positive community relations, aligning the values of fairness, respect and inclusion.
Why should I protect my data?
In essence, a faraday bag provides a practical way to ensure the privacy and security of electronic devices by preventing their signals from being intercepted or manipulated.
Protect your digital ID, reduce harmful radio frequencies, ensure privacy... order your personalized faraday bag by clicking on the contact us page.
A faraday bag is a type of electromagnetic shield device designed to block and reduce electromagnetic fields, including signals such as radio waves, WiFi, GPS and cellular signals.
You should use one to protect your privacy, block signals, prevent remote hacking, electromagnetic frequency protection. Faraday bags are used to ensure that sensitive electronic devices don't transmit or receive data that could compromise security.
Is your company looking for PPE or safety equipment? If you have any questions with regards to any of our products, click on the contact us page and ask!
Protect your information from hackers with FNPI's faraday case.
Ready for deployment in a moments notice!
When mobile security & storage is a must.
We can supply a full line of safety equipment for mining, construction and everyday day use
We offer complete turn key solutions for community multi-use wellness buildings.
Ask for details on our residential and commercial buildings
FNPI works with several First Nation communities to build capacity in the trades...
Protect your information, secure your credit cards with faraday defence
Pleated 3 layer design. Soft lined,polly filled or feather down. inner and outer shells
610 Sagamok Road, Unit 8, Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation
Office: (705) 869-7937 Email: info@fnprocure.ca